Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am in Awe of God!

I just have to say this- seriously, how does a women my age (I feel as young as can be ) have the blessing of a child. I can not believe how good God is. All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, ... Lord, you have more than fulfilled my every dream. You are so kind to bless us with a child. We are so very excited to have this darling little girl join our family.

I am a little worried about traveling without my hubby but I am also comforted in knowing that you will be with us every step of the way. With you, Dear Lord, I can do this! We will be okay! I feel your presence and it is so reassuring and comforting. I am truly in awe of you. I will never be able to say enough thank you's! Our time is so near... it is nothing short of a miracle.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why do "WE" adopt?

Many people ask that question of us and I ask that question of us, too. My answer is not profound- I do not know why? Sometimes I wish it was clear and that I had the exact reason and that it was such a great reason that everyone else would adopt, too. It is so difficult to explain. I am certain that whatever words I use I will never thoroughly provide an explanation. I think it is a God thing but please know that HE did not appear to me and tell me to do this.  It is something inside,  it is a feeling that this is where God is guiding us. Every step we take feels so right. I cannot think of anything I would rather do than love and parent a child.

At our son's graduation last spring Arch Bishop Harry Flynn spoke. He said to search for what you love to do AND what God wants you to do. Find your passion that is consistent with God's will. I felt like he was talking to me and I immediately told Jim that I have found it! I am so thankful to our dear Lord for this opportunity to parent these dear children. It is a dream come true for us.

The most important aspect of this is, we cannot do it without him. Not for one minute! We need to rely on our Lord every minute of every day and it feels so good to do that!

We often spend part of our lives looking for the reason why we are here... I believe I have found that reason. If I die raising the Lord's children I will die the happiest woman on earth. I know it is a little weird but it is the truth. I have found my passion and my purpose and I am also so thankful that my husband shares these dreams and desires. All glory goes to God, in him we can find our strength and direction. Praise to you, dear Lord.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My choice... and it's not pro choice...

I better make this good or no one will visit this site again!

As far as politics go- One of the reason I try to stay clear of it is because I really respect and understand that we all have our own opinion on this topic. I believe that is one of the many things that makes the United States such a wonderful place to live. I know, no matter how I feel about something I am not always correct. I like to think that the majority of people calibrating together will in the end pick the right person. My thought process could be wrong, maybe I need to speak out. Maybe I am hiding behind my fear of conflict, fear of criticism and fear of possibly being wrong. Heaven forbid, I should speak out with gusto only to be proven wrong. 

We all have our strengths... and weakness. Well, when God handed those out I am not sure where I was maybe blogging, chatting, day dreaming but I wasn't in line and I did not receive the ability to talk anyone into anything. My bag of persuasive techniques in empty.  So I feel that since I cannot talk the political talk, I maybe should keep my mouth shut. If you try to talk the issues with me, my argument is "well, just because thats the way I feel". For me politics is a feeling, who do I feel would be best in that position/ office. Where do I see God leading me and my vote. Voting is a huge responsibility. Every American not only has the right to vote but the have the responsibility to vote.

In the political arena we pick our issues. The issues that we care about or those that directly affect our lives. Many of the issues are so so important but there is only one issue that completely dehumanizes it's victims. Only one issue where a living person has no rights at all. Where the ones that would otherwise speak up for them instead do not want to be inconvenienced by them. These are the unborn children. They have no voice and it is our job to speak up for them no matter what fears we may have- fear of causing conflict or a  fear of criticism. This time I don't need to bother with the fear of being wrong because I know I am not wrong. My father has told me so...  

We need to change the hearts and the minds of the people. If we don't have the talent to verbally speak up for this issue than we must fervently pray for it. Let's all use our talents to help the unborn children. Adoption is a wonderful option. Pregnant individuals need support and help to make a good plan for themselves and their unborn child whether it is to raise their child or to go the adoption route. No matter how you look at it abortion is not okay. 

So given this thought I can only vote for what is right. I will vote for only pro life candidates.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother's womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous- and how well I know it.
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born.
Everyday of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
How precious are your thoughts about me, Oh God!
They are innumerable!
I can't even count them;
they out number the grains of sand!
And when I wake up in the morning you are still with me!
Psam 139: 13-18