Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dear Linny,

I think Linny sounds so cute! I like calling you that!

I just have a few things I wanted to say to you so I figured since you still read blogs this might be a good way to reach you! Plus this is my personal feelings and ramblings of a christian woman blog, so here it is! 

I know you are incredibly busy and you have soooo much going on- with all that you are going through right now you are still so kind and thoughtful of others. When I see that you have commented on my blog- I think wow- what a neat person. Here, she is going through probably one of the most challenging times of her life and she is thinking of others. You amaze me, I am honored to be one of your bloggy lovin, adoption lovin, lord lovin friends. You are a shining example of what the Lord wants us to do in the face of tragedy. Love him even more, thank him, serve him, trust him and move forward with him! Linny- you are too cool! I want to encourage you to keep going girl! The opposition would love it if you crumbled and were filled with anger but that's not you - you, just love and trust him more!

You should know that your bloggy ministry is such a good thing- keep it going! You are reaching more and more people out there! We all come with different needs and desires but we come with one thing in common- we are hungry for Jesus! Your blog, your ministry, sharing your life like you do is so helpful to sooooo many! It is so encouraging!

One of the things I love the most is what we have in common- the children (well okay, our age, too). It is all about the kids! It's all about loving them , serving our Lord and spreading the joy!
You focus on the good and the positive- everyday you spread the joy!

What you and your family have been through is awful- I cannot imagine the grief you all must feel, and the fear you felt as it was happening. When I try to think about it- I feel so sad and actually have to stop thinking about it- it is an overwhelming thought. You are all in my payers throughout the days. 

I want to thank you from me and I am guessing sooooo, soooooo many others. Thanks for being a great bloggy friend, thanks for your "yippee Jesus", for your spiritual guidance, for being a great mom with awesome kids and for your thoughtfulness!
God's Blessings to you!

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